This document establishes the guidelines for participating in the Pawsitiv Space community (The “Community”). Its purpose is to ensure the safety and well-being of all members and visitors of the Community (The “Members”) and foster a welcoming, positive, and inclusive environment for everyone.

This is a living document and not an exhaustive, binding legal document. Final interpretation and implementation is at the discretion of the Pawsitiv Space moderation team (The “Team”), and may be amended or updated it in the future to better meet the goals of the Community. The Team reserves the right to take action against any behavior or content that they determined to be harmful to the Community.


The Community is founded on the principles of respect, inclusion, and positivity. These goals serve as a guide for how the Community is built and grows, and are upheld by all Members.

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all Members feel respected and valued, regardless of their background or identity.
  • Encourage a supportive community where Members can share their interests, ideas, and accomplishments.
  • Facilitate meaningful and enjoyable conversations among Members.
  • Continously strive to improve the Community and create an environment that is active, engaged, and constantly growing.


To maintain a positive and inclusive community that aligns with our goals, all Members must:

  • Communicate in English within all Community spaces for moderation purposes.
  • Respect others and appreciate diversity and differences in opinions and perspectives.
  • Take responsibility for the impact of their words and actions.
  • Act in good faith and with positive intentions and assume the same of others.
  • Continuously strive to improve oneself and one’s behavior within the Community.
  • Follow all Community guidelines and rules, including this Code of Conduct.
  • Report any violations of this Code of Conduct or other Community guidelines to the Team.

Prohibited Content and Conduct#

Content and behavior that is not in line with the goals and standards of the Community are not allowed within the Community. The Team reserves the right to take action against any behavior that they determine is harmful to the Community. The following is a list of examples of prohibited content and conduct and is non-exhaustive.

  • Harassment or bullying, including but not limited to dogpiling; brigading; language or behavior that is threatening, intimidating, or causes harm or fear; or sharing personal information (doxing) or sexually explicit content of others (sometimes known as revenge porn) without consent.
  • Hate speech or hateful conduct, including but not limited to language or behavior that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or that targets an individual or group based on their religion, nationality, or any other personal characteristic.
  • Violent extremism, including but not limited to promoting or glorifying acts of terrorism, violence, hate crimes, or the perpetrators thereof.
  • Condescending, oppressive, or otherwise demeaning language or behavior towards any individual or group.
  • Content illegal in the United States of America
  • Child exploitation, including but not limited to the sharing, distributing, or creating of any content that sexually exploits or depicts children in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner. This includes but is not limited to photographs, videos, and illustrations (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub). Any Member found to be engaging in this behavior will be subject to immediate and permanent banning from the Community. The Team reports illegal content and conduct to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
  • Spreading false or misleading information, including but not limited to intentionally fabricating, exaggerating, or distorting facts.
  • Content that violates anyone’s intellectual property or other rights, including but not limited to plagiarism or posting other’s works without credit.
  • Malicious impersonation of individuals or organizations. Parody and satire are allowed.
  • Spam, engagement manipulation, and disrupting services or user experience, including but not limited to sending excessive or irrelevant advertisements or using unapproved bots to post content.
  • Glorifying or promoting self-harm or suicide.
  • Hacking or social engineering.

Restricted Content#

Content that may be potentially controversial or offensive may be allowed within certain Community spaces if additional rules regarding this content are followed within the space. The Team reserves the right to take action against any content that they determine is harmful to the Community or in violation of the additional rules within Community spaces. Restricted Content includes but is not limited to:

  • Current Events
  • Graphic violence and gore
  • Sexual content/nudity
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Medical and Mental Health
  • Drug/alcohol use
  • Content spoilers (e.g. recent movies and TV shows)
  • Flashing content that may induce epileptic symptoms or seizures
  • Ranting and venting
  • AI generated content

Reporting Violations#

If you witness or experience a violation of this Code of Conduct or specific guidelines within a space, please report it to the Team as soon as possible. The Team will do their best to preserve the anonymity of reporters and any retaliation against a reporter will be considered a violation of this Code of Conduct.

Never assume that someone else has already reported a violation. It is easy to assume this and do nothing, leading to nobody reporting the violation.

You can use any of the following methods to report issues to the Team:

  • Use dedicated reporting tools available within the space where the violation occurred, if available
  • Contact someone from the Team privately via a direct message with detailed information of the individual(s) involved, the nature of the violation, and any relevant evidence or screenshots
  • Email [email protected] with the above-mentioned details and the subject starting with “Report” and including the specific Community space where the violation occurred, if applicable

It is important to include any additional information that may help the Team’s investigations, no matter how the violation was reported.

The Team takes violations of this Code of Conduct and other guidelines very seriously. Any reported violations will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.


Violations of this Code of Conduct or other guidelines may result in any the following consequences:

  • A warning issued for minor or first-time violations.
  • Service-specific moderation, such as muting or account limitations, for moderate violations.
  • A temporary suspension from the Community for repeat offenders or more severe violations.
  • A permanent ban from the Community for severe or repeated violations or if a Member poses a threat to the safety and well-being of the Community.

Prohibited Content will be removed and any necessary actions will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the Members. The Team reserves the right to determine the appropriate consequences and temporarily impose consequences during investigations if deemed necessary.


If a Member feels that a moderation action or ban was not handled fairly or appropriately, they have the right to appeal the decision. The Member may also appeal to have the severity of the imposed consequence reviewed if they believe it to be excessive. This appeals process is separate from the reporting process and does not affect the original decision until a final decision on the appeal is made. Additional violations of this Code of Conduct or other guidelines during the appeals process may result in additional consequences and delay the process.

The appeals process is as follows:

  1. The Member must submit their appeal by email to [email protected] with the subject “Appeal” within 7 days of receiving the original decision. The appeal should include the reasons why the Member feels the decision was unfair or unjust, and any additional relevant information or evidence.
  2. The Team will thoroughly review the appeal, including any relevant information or evidence, such as the original violation report, statements from involved parties, and this Code of Conduct and other guidelines and policies.
  3. The Team will make a final decision on the appeal and inform the Member of the outcome in writing. The decision of the Team is final.

The Team’s Responsibilities#

The Team is responsible for enforcement, maintenance, and ensuring adherence of this Code of Conduct and other guidelines within the Community. This includes:

  • Reviewing and investigating reported violations.
  • Determining and implementing appropriate consequences for violations.
  • Monitoring and moderating the Community spaces to prevent and address violations.
  • Reviewing and updating the Code of Conduct and other guidelines to ensure they align with the values and goals of the Community.


This Code of Conduct applies to all spaces within the Community, including but not limited to:

  • Publicly accessible forums such as message boards, social media channels, and chat rooms.
  • Private spaces such as direct messages and email correspondence.
  • In-person events and meetups.
  • Any other space where Members of the Community come together online or offline.

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